ESMPE European School for Medical Physics Experts

Individual dosimetry in medical applications

4th November 2021, Kaunas, Lithuania

The EFOMP in collaboration with EURADOS, IRPA the Kaunas University of Technology and the Lithuanian Association of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering would like to invite you to the next ESMPE in Individual dosimetry in medical applications 2021.

The school will be organized as a 1-day satellite Workshop before and in conjunction with the 15th International Conference “Medical Physics in the Baltic States 2021», which will be held on 5th-6th November 2021 in Kaunas, Lithuania.

Venue of EFOMP will be at Kaunas University of Technology, Santaka Valley, K. Baršausko str. 59–I and II halls, Kaunas.

The school will be aimed at advanced tasks connected with staff dosimetry in medical applications. The school will cover all the aspects related to the establishment of a programme of individual monitoring for workers in medical facilities.

This one-day event will be accredited by EBAMP (European Board of Accreditation for Medical Physics) as CPD event for Medical Physicists at EQF Level 8 and is intended for practicing clinical Medical Physicists who are involved in Staff radioprotection.

  • Content
  • Sources and levels of occupational exposures.
  • Dose assessment for workers in medical facilities
  • Types of personal dosemeters
  • Individual monitoring
  • Ambient monitoring
  • Selection, use and maintenance of personal and collective protective equipment
  • Dose reporting
  • Organizers
  • Alberto Torresin (Chair of the School)
  • Jurgita Laurikaitienė (LMFBIA), Efi Koutsouveli (EFOMP)

You can find more information and the program in the school’s brochure or the website of EFOMP.